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Common side effects associated with HGH

Common side effects associated with HGH
March 20th, 2012 by adminLeave a reply »
 You have probably come upon the term HGH many times, but you might not know what it is exactly. It is actually very easy to explain. HGH here is place to know more stands for human growth hormone. It is a hormone that is naturally produced in the body by the pituitary gland. The hormones production is at a very high level during youth, and it is one of the many things that is responsible for the growth of a person as their body changes from being a body of a child into the body of an adult.
However, once the person reaches the age of about 30 or so, the production of the hormone decreases significantly. It is no coincidence that this is the time when people start noticing the symptoms of aging more rapidly. Your metabolism is not as fast as it used to be and you begin to gain weight a lot more easily. You also have a much harder time taking off the weight than you did when you were young. You will also notice the appearance of wrinkles, you will notice that your body is not as durable as it used to be and you will notice more pains and aches in your bones and muscles as well. You will also notice that your sight might not be as good as it once was. All of these things are normal things that result from getting older. However, many believe that if you find a way to increase the amount of HGH in your body and get it a level that it was at when you were young, you might be able to not really reverse, but at least significant slow down the rate at which you are aging.
HGH has been shown to have great effects when used for such purposes. It can enable a person to lose weight, it can allow athletes to stay in peak condition for a longer period of time, but just like anything, there can be significant side effects that occur from using HGH supplements or HGH releasers – which force the body into making more HGH naturally instead of supplying laboratory fabricated HGH for sale to the body through an injection.
When HGH is being used by prescription for some type of medical problem and that person is under the care of a doctor, the chances of experiencing serious side effects are a lot smaller. However, there are many people who use HGH on their own in order to retain their youth, and they do not always use it responsibly. In these situations, side effects are guaranteed to occur.
One side effect of HGH abuse is an overgrowth of facial bone and connective tissue, which makes you have an unsightly protruding jaw. People can also experience heart enlargement which can’t be reversed, low blood sugar and risk of falling into a diabetic coma, high cholesterol levels, excessive hair growth, water retention, liver damage and muscle damage, among other things. That is why it is important to use HGH responsibly if you want to see positive changes without any unwanted side effects.

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